How To Recall Your Dream?
We all know that we dream every night, but did you know the average person has between four to seven dreams a night?
Dreams can give us warnings, premonitions, insightfulness or can be even lucid. Wouldn't it be great if we could remember our dreams and maybe start listening to what they are telling us?
After many years of trial and error - I've come up with a way that helps me to remember my dream/s.
What you'll need:
A glass of water
Follow these easy steps:
Plan to get a good night's sleep
Put a pad and pen or pencil within easy reach of your bed
Keep your alarm close to your bed.
Don't eat, drink alcohol or take medication right before bed
Calm your mind and body before bedtime (have a bedtime ritual)
When you are ready to sleep, take the glass of water in your hand and drink half of the glass, whilst saying the following.....
"When I finish the rest of this glass of water, I will remember my dream"
Go to sleep with no outside influences (phone, tv etc.)
As soon as you awake, sit up and drink the water - give it a few minutes
Do not touch your hair/head....dreams tend to disappear when you do this.
This may take a few times to work, so be persistent and be sure to record in a dream journal your experience.

Powerful | Daily ritual | Witchy Vibes | Modern witch | Mind body spirit | Spiritual | Meditation | Evening, Morning Ritual | Ritual List | Law of Attraction | Positive ritual | Rituals bring change | Benefits of rituals | Positive | Establishing rituals | Dream recall | How to remember your dreams | Dream diary |